Yesterday the Student Council in Rúnar Atli's school met for the first time this school year. Rúnar Atli was elected Class President of his class and this was his first ever meeting as a councillor. It was decided, among other things that Halloween would be celebrated and the Student Council will be responsible for the planning of the event.
Í dag fór Rúnar Atli svo sérlega rogginn í skólann. Nemendaráðsfulltrúar bera nefnilega barmmerki þar sem fram kemur að þeir séu í nemendaráði.
Today, Rúnar Atli was especially proud when going to school. Student Councillers carry special badges where it says that they are, in fact, part of the Student Council.
Hér er svo nærmynd af barmmerkinu.
Here is a close-up of the badge.
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