Við Rúnar Atli fórum yfir sýningaratriðin yfir morgunmatnum og ákváðum að hann færi með einn hundinn okkar, Ríkó. Sýningin var í skólanum hans og því ekkert mál að skjótast með hundinn heim ef eitthvað gengi illa.
Today was the big day. The long awaited dog show and your's truly one of three judges. What an honour. Last year, Rúnar Atli and I went to that year's show. I can recall, that I wasn't very impressed. This year, the show was much better organised. For one thing, the judges were much better this time around...
During breakfast, Rúnar Atli and I went through the programme and decided that he would take one of our many dogs, Rico. The dog show was at Rúnar's school and therefore Rúnar could easily take the dog home if things did not work out smoothly.
Nýmættur á svæðið, ekki alveg viss hvernig þetta verður / Just arrived at the venue; a bit uncertain about the whole thing |
Annar kynnirinn, væsti ekki um hann / One of the Master of Ceremonies; they couldn't complain about working conditions |
Líka var hugsað um krakkana sem voru ekki með hunda / Kids without dogs were well catered for |
The first three events were the responsibilities of another judge. The first event that Rúnar Atli could participate in was sausage bobbing. A few heats of three competitors each. They ran across the field and the dogs were to "fish" three sausage pieces from a dog bowl and eat. Then a quick return to the starting point. I needed to persuade Rúnar Atli to participate, but both him and Rico did well. During this event Rúnar Atli really understood that the whole thing was about having fun. From then on he participated in every possible event.
Á flugi / Really flying |
Leitað að pulsubita / In search for a sausage piece |
Þetta gekk bara vel. Ég valdi flottustu þrjár stóru hundana og svo þá flottustu litlu. Ég veitti Ríkó þriðju verðlaun í flokki lítilla hunda. Þótti hann eiginlega næstflottasti hundurinn, en vegna skyldleika þá ýtti ég honum niður um eitt sæti. Ekki gengur að vera sakaður um hlutdrægni. Miður þó að það virki öfugt. Síðan var ég dómari í hindrunarhlaupi. Það var skemmtilegt.
Following the sausage bobbing, it was the Icelandic judge's turn. I got a great introduction, along the lines that I was not only a world class dog judge, but I was also qualified for polar bear judging. Even that I occasionally was involved with seals!
The whole thing was quite fun. I had to select the three nicest big dogs and the three nicest small dogs. I awarded Rico third place in the small dog category. I really felt he deserved second place, but pushed him down one place. I cannot risk corruption charges! A bit sad though that it affected Rico and Rúnar. Following that I was in charge of an obstacle run. That was really enjoyable.
Guttinn gæðir sér á verðlaununum. Ríkó horfir á... / Gobbling down the prize while Rico watches... |
Next there was a break in the programme, because the Malawi Police came and showed how well trained its dog squad is. The preformed very well and it was enjoyable to watch their drills.
Hlýðnir hundar sitja og bíða / Obedient dogs sitting and waiting |
Kyrr! / Stay! |
Then the police staged a robbery to show us how a dog like this catches a thief. What explosive power! I would not want to be caught by such a dog. That's for sure.
Eltingarleikur í fullum gangi / The chase is on! |
Góðir félagar / Good buddies |
Then the programme continued. And wouldn't you know it - Rico and Rúnar Atli won an event! The most awesome eyes. I'm not kidding you. There must have been about 12 and 15 dogs competing. I can't really describe how happy my son was. And for the record; I was not the judge.
Sigurvegarar! / Winners! |
Og hér með húfuna sem voru í verðlaun - sigurvegari stendur á henni / And with the winner's cap |
One additional event provided a third place finish. Bad hairday. Rúnar Atli made considerable effort to mess up Rico's hair. And it paid off.
Feldurinn ýfður / Working up "bad hair" |
Í heildina var þetta frábær skemmtun. Allt til gamans gert og allir skemmtu sér vel. Slatti af peningum safnaðist til samtaka sem reyna að koma yfirgefnum dýrum í góða vist. Málstaðurinn því góður. Við tökum örugglega þátt á næsta ári. Ekki veit ég hvort ég verð aftur dómari, en Rúnar Atli hefur háar hugmyndir um að þjálfa hundana sína næstu mánuði.
Overall this was a fantastic day. All done in a good spirit and everyone had a good time. Quite a lot of money was collected for the Lilongwe SPCA, which was the real purpose. I'm sure that we will take part next year. I don't know if I'll be judge again, but Rúnar Atli has grand plans for training his dogs during the next months.
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